Trauma in Child and Youth Care - Deluxe Set
This set is composed of a theoretical text and instructional manual to assist the child and youth care professional in understanding trauma and its effect on children and youth.
The text, Reclaiming the Sensory-Emotional Self, presents the theory that traumatized children/youth, those with severe attachment disruption, or who have been exposed to abuse, neglect, and violence disengage their sensory and emotional systems as a way of surviving and living with these traumatizing experiences. However, when they are assisted to slowly reengage their sensory systems and taught how to get in touch with, regulate, and regain control of their emotions they can over time, stop that relentless cycle and move to a state of well-being. (214 pages)
The manual, Don’t Think Feel, offers techniques and program models which provide the child and youth care professional with games and exercises to support children/youth to fully experience, regulate, and integrate their sensory-emotional experiences into their daily lives. Sensory-Emotional Stimulation and Regulation (SESR), a 28-week group-based program, is highlighted in the manual. The manual is divided into sections which begin with forming and developing a safe group setting and level of safety and trust within the group and follow a continuum of strategically designed activities. The sections can also be facilitated individually depending on the group members and their abilities in managing sensory and emotional experiences. (130 pages)
Copyright 2019
Price: $54.48 (CAD)