The Self in Child and Youth Care:
A Celebration
The Self in Child and Youth Care: A Celebration provides the student of child and youth care with a guide and a path to the realization of the power they possess in the rehabilitation of victimized and marginalized children and youth. The child and youth care professional (CYCP) connects with children/youth by means of the heart—an emotional, personal, and sensory connection. In order to work from the heart, the CYCP must have a strong and healthy connection to his/her Self. Drawing on a range of ideas from Freud to present day neuropsychology, the author provides a number of avenues for understanding what the Self is, and in particular, how that understanding relates to the practice of child and youth care. The entire text is set up as a self-directed learning exercise for the student to delve as deeply and privately as they wish into their Self without fear of exposure, redirection, or external judgement. The Self asks students of child and youth care to venture out on a journey of self-discovery to uncover the “gold” within them—talents, aptitudes, and abilities—and to utilize these to help create a better life for the children and youth in their care. (320 pages)
Copyright 2012, 2015
ISBN 978-0-9697302-3-1
Price: $36.48 (CAD)