Healing Spaces deluxe set incorporates two of the foundational theories of the field of child and youth care--the therapeutic milieu and activity-based programming--and constructs a new perspective on child and youth care that addresses the expanding needs of troubled children in the new millennium. Theory and practice are interwoven to create a paradigm in which students, educators, and front-line workers will find practical and efficient.
The text divides the theoretical data into the physical, emotional, social, cultural, and ideological environments of the therapeutic milieu. It uses these specific aspects of the environment to ensure that all elements of the milieu are addressed. It provides specific techniques to adapt and improve the therapeutical environment surrounding the children and youth. (288 pages)
The manual makes it possible for you to assist the groups of children/ youth you are working with to create, develop, or further enhance their environments to reflect safety, inclusion, and affirmation. The manual contains 90 activities specifically designed to enhance the therapeutic milieu as well as 40 complementary games. When combined, the various activities make it easy for you to develop entire programs to use in the therapeutic environment. The manual is set up so that you can easily copy any of the activities to use in placement and comes with a guide for program development. (192 pages)
Copyright 2006, 2016
ISBN 978-0-9697302-8-6
Price: $64.37 (CAD)